Sunbed tubes buying guide: skin type and tanning schedule

Before you decide to buy new tanning lamps it is important to choose those who match your skin type. A second important issue is that in many cases you have to adjust the exposure time because the new lamps may be stronger. Start safe and gradually increase the exposure time to a certain maximum.

Below a three step plan in order to choose the right lamps. First you determine you skin type. Based on that we offer a selection of lamps suitable for your skin type. Than we offer a general tanning schedule complementary to the tanning schedule of your sunbed or canopy.

Step 1: determine your skin type

To use the sunbed or canopy in a responsible way and consequently enable you to choose the right tanning lamp it is important to know your skin type. Are there other users to be expected please take that into account as well.

Please determine your skin type based on following scheme:

Skin type Tanning Skin characteristics
Skin type 1
always sunburned
skin does not tan at all
  • very pale skin
  • often freckles
  • red or light blond hair
  • light eyes (grey, green or bleu)
  • Skin type 2
    gets easily sunburned
    skin tans slowly/ difficult
  • pale skin
  • blond hair
  • light eyes (grey, green or bleu)
  • Skin type 3
    gets sunburned but not often
    skin tans good
  • slightly tinted skin
  • dark blond or brown hair
  • darker eyes (dark bleu, brown)
  • Skin type 4
    gets rarely sunburned
    skin tans very good
  • tinted skin by nature
  • dark hair
  • dark eyes
  • Skin type 5
    sunburned is an exception
    skin tans extremely good
  • dark tinted skin
  • Skin type 6
    never gets sunburned
    skin tans by nature
  • very dark skin, no tanning required
  • Step 2: choose the right lamps

    Per skin type we now give our recommendation on which lamps to use based on output/UV power. Where nothing is mentioned you are free to choose. The choice of lamps not only depends on skin type but also on the kind of sunbed or canopy you have and how many lamps are inside. Choice also depends on the question whether you like to spent some time under the sunbed or the shorter the better. The recommendations below are a general guideline.

    Attention: using stronger lamps means that exposure times should be shortened. To determine the approximate exposure times you need the original instruction manual of your sunbed or canopy where a tanning table should be mentioned. Most of the time 9 to 12 sessions with exposure time oing up to a certain maximum with the remark that you can only have one session per 48 hours.

    If you no longer have this instruction manual try to download it through internet. Many instruction manuals are online available. If this is not possible than start very carefully with low exposure times. Going up is always possible but once you got sunburn you have to wait untill you are fully recovered.

      Type of lamp Exposure time
    Skin type 1 Using a sunbed is discouraged.  
    Skin type 2 Be very carefull with tanning and we recommend only lamps with strenght indication normal You can use and follow the original exposure schedule and recommendations on new lamps as written in the instruction manual of your sunbed or canopy.
    Skin type 3 We recommend lamps with strenght indication normal or strong If you choose normal strenght you can use and follow the original exposure schedule and recommendations on new lamps as written in the instruction manual of your sunbed or canopy. If you choose strong please reduce exposure times with 50%.
    Skin type 4 You can choose any type of lamp. All strenghts normal, strong or extra strong. If you choose normal strenght you can use and follow the original exposure schedule and recommendations on new lamps as written in the instruction manual of your sunbed or canopy. If you choose strong please reduce exposure times with 50%. Incase of extra strong please reduce by 65%.

    Skin type 5 and 6 you are free to choose but also keep in mind reducing exposure times when you buy strong or extra strong lamps.

    Step 3: study the tanning schedule

    On our website the lamps are devided in three categories: normal, strong or extra strong. Below you will find the maximum time fo first exposure (max. starting time) and the maximum time after some exposures (max. exposure time). Never exceed the starting time and do not exceed the maximum exposure time.

    If your instruction manual shows an exposure schedule taking into account the indicated reduction shown in the schedule with the skin types (step 2 ) which is higher than de maximum exposure times shown below than follow the schedule below.

      Lamp strength
      Normal Strong Extra strong
    Skin type 2 Max. starting time: 7 min.
    Max. exposure time: 15 min.
    Max. starting time: 5 min.
    Max. exposure time: 10 min.
    Max. starting time: 3 min.
    Max. exposure time: 6 min.
    Skin type 3 Max. starting time: 7 min.
    Max. exposure time: 20 min.
    Max. starting time: 5 min.
    Max. exposure time: 15 min.
    Max. starting time: 3 min.
    Max. exposure time: 8 min.
    Skin type 4 Max. starting time: 7 min.
    Max. exposure time: 30 min.
    Max. starting time: 5 min.
    Max. exposure time: 20 min.
    Max. starting time: 3 min.
    Max. exposure time: 10 min.
    Skin type 5 of 6 With skin type 5 or 6 you do not really need a tan and therefore those skin types are not included in the schedule. If you however want to tan start with the schedule for skin type 4. If thats not sufficient slowly and carefully increase the exposure times to get the required result.

    The schedule above is based on a sunbed with 20 lamps in the bed and 24 in the canopy. So total 44 lamps. That is much more than most people have at home. If you do not get any result and you do not have skin type 1 or 2 slowly and carefully increase the exposure time until you see results. Please always be careful !!. Incase you have a product with more lamps the schedule is not valid in its current form and exposure times should be decreases even more.

    Be careful and keep the starting (first exposure) as written above. First exposure is most critical with regard to sunburn. If you have any doubt about what lamps to choose please contact us for consult.